Postpartum Style
Posted on November 18 2016

One of the most shocking things for me after having a baby was my inability to fit back into my old clothes after delivering! Not only that, but also my lack of interest in spending ANY time picking out clothes. My son was born in the deep winter so for the first 2 weeks of his life we didn’t go anywhere (first time mom here – terrified of colds). But, when I was finally ready to put on something other than my maternity sweatpants I realized I didn’t have anything to hide my postpartum belly. Now I need to clarify that I would not trade that jelly, smooshy, stretch-marked belly for anything – it gave me my precious little one! BUT, having people ask you why you still look pregnant does not do wonders for your overly hormonal, crazy, cry at the drop of a hat, self esteem. So began my journey of trying to find clothes that looked cute, hid my belly, and were practical. Whether or not you decide to breastfeed, exclusively pump, or formula feed I think everyone can agree that being comfortable is SO important with a new babe. After searching and searching I found myself disappointed and discouraged that I couldn’t find a single shirt that didn’t stick to my belly and make me still look pregnant. I expected to have to wear my maternity pants for awhile but I mean COME ON. So, after I gave myself about 3 months I decided to go shopping once again. After trying on what felt like a million outfits I have made a little list of styles that I found to be helpful.
The flowy top
This one is not rocket science for all you experienced mommies out there. You know the best way to hide that belly is by throwing on a big, oversized, flowy, top. I found that having tops that were flown, yet still fitted in the bust or sleeves made me look slimmer. Throw on that flowy top on with a pair of fitted maternity pants to give a slender illusion.
The picture on the top left is actually a photo of me about 4 months postpartum. You can't see that I'm holding those shorts up using the classic rubber band trick. You can get this top at:
The sweater is really great because it is longer in the front which keeps it from hugging your belly. I love that! You can shop the sweater here:
- The oversized sweater
Once again, this is an outfit I wore ALL THE TIME after I had my boy. I could wear my favorite plain tee or a nursing tank under this sweater and it would still hide my big belly!
This grey and black striped one is really great because it is loose all over and the fabric is smooth - that way it doesn't stick to your belly or tank underneath!
- The button down
This one is for all you nursing mama’s out there. I know it is hard to find shirts that will cover those milk stains and make what produces that milk easily accessible. I found that patterned shirts cover up stains better. Cute button downs saved my wardrobe once I went back to work and had to pump. Being a teacher I pumped in my classroom closet during specials so I needed to be able to get it done quick. A quick tip for this look is ALWAYS go up a size, my mom helped me big time with this one. She reminded me it is always better for it to be a little loose than gapping in between buttons.
The brick colored plaid top is really perfect for postpartum outfits because it is long and loose. You can wear leggings with it which we know are a new mom's closet staple. you can get a closer look at it here:
The shirtdress in the middle is perfect for working moms who like to wear dresses to work! You can shop it here (also- it's on sale!):
And the black and white plaid top on the far right is really cute under vests or with scarves! I should note that this one runs small so make sure you go up a size if you're looking into that one!
- Big scarves
Another tip I learned from far too many bad experiences (seriously “fool me once” never rang so true). The last thing you want at work or while you are out and about is spit up stains, milk stains, or other not so pleasant bodily fluids that come from your adorable little bean. Blanket scarves are awesome because they can be used as a nursing cover too! Just untie them and drape them over your shoulder to give yourself some privacy. You can also wear it to cover up stains, OR take it off when you get stains on it and still have a clean shirt underneath!
These are some of my favorite blanket scarves. You can shop all them online here:
So, all of these tips you have to take with a grain of salt. I still only have one little munchkin and I would LOVE to hear some of the tips you more experienced mamas have to offer!
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