Employee Highlight: Katherine
Posted on December 20 2018

And we're back again with another one of our lovely employees, Katherine!

Katherine has lived in Athens her whole life and graduated from Athens Renaissance this past year. She's attending Calhoun Community College where she is majoring in business and minoring in psychology.

Katherine works for us at our Athens location. She started working for us back in September and we're so glad! She is sweet and a great help when you need it.

We asked Katherine a few questions so you could get to know her better!
Who is your favorite teacher and why?
My Ma..aka mom..is my favorite teacher because she has giving me a lot of life lessons and helped me so much"
If you had to delete all but 3 apps off your phone which ones would you keep?
"If I could only have 3 apps I would keep the photo, google and messager ones."
What 2 qualities do you value in your closest friends? Why?
I value in a friend someone that lets me be me and belives in me no matter what I believe about myself because there is so much negativity in this world you need someone to hold you up."
What is your order at Starbucks or Square Clock Coffee?
"On a cold day would be a white chocolate mocha and on a hot day either a iced caramel coffee or vanilla bean frappuccino with three pumps of cinnamon dulce."

Katherine looks super cute in our Sweet Serenity Sweater - they're crazy soft and almost gone!