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Dames and Daughters Series: Cindy and Melanie

Dawne Douthit

Posted on March 14 2017

Dames and Daughters Series: Cindy and Melanie
“A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be your friend.”
     This week in our Dames and Daughters Blog Series we are featuring Cindy and Melanie.  We loved doing this session.  This is one interesting duo!

     Cindy is a single mom of adult children Bryan and Melanie. Cindy has a great interest in travel and camping sparked when she was still a child. She says, “My family made a cross country trip in a Winnebago when I was in grade school, and then the world opened up to me with a grand tour through Europe after graduating from high school. My children inherited the love to travel and each studied abroad during college. Bryan spent a year at Oxford where he met his wife, and Melanie lived in Italy, enjoying her own grand tour while there.”

     Cindy has so many varied interests and activities.  She is involved behind the scenes in some impressive drama presentations at her church, and she volunteers in the nursery there.  She also is a supporter of lifetime learning and enjoys dancing, hiking and yoga. 

     Cindy and Melanie both graduated from Auburn (War Eagle), with a degree in Apparel Merchandising. Upon graduation Cindy returned to Huntsville and worked for a fashion designer for several years. For the past 25 years she has worked for a local realtor doing fun, creative work such as staging, photography, and marketing.

     Melanie graduated from Auburn with a BS in Apparel Merchandise and a minor in International Studies. She loves animals, exploring new places and cultures, education, and the arts, especially textiles. She is quite the traveler, too, having experienced over fifteen countries, including a study abroad in Italy and the opportunity to teach ESL in South Korea. She told us, “I am lucky to have an incredible support system of friends and family in my life.”  What a blessing!

     Cindy is looking like Melanie's sister in our Black and White Dress (in stores only) and Melanie is lovely in our Black Cross Front Top and Natural Crochet Vest. (In store or online)

We asked Melanie a few questions!

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

     Telekinesis probably with teleportation coming in at a close second. Teleportation would allow me to travel anywhere at any time, but telekinesis would provide the resources to do that as well as other things. It just seems the most useful (and fun).

 If you had your human body, but the head of an animal, what animal would you pick?

     I can guarantee if anyone answered this question for me they would say unicorn, which would be pretty magical, but I actually think I would choose cat.

What do you like most about your mom?

     It is really hard to pick just one thing because she is such an incredible person and mother. She has gone above and beyond and made incredible sacrifices for me to be where I am today and continues to support my future goals. She also just does fun and amazing things for me on such a regular basis. There was this one time in high school that I needed a dress for a dance that was that night, and she went out and bought five and brought them to me at lunch so that I could choose. It is little things like that and also the big things like unconditional love and support.

     Thanks so much for letting us feature you in this week's blog, ladies!  You brightened our day!


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